Part 2 | Achieving beautiful aesthetics in fixed and removable pros
Date: Thursday 31 August 2023
Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Dr. Miles R. Cone
Dr. Miles R. Cone is a graduate of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, and completed a three year Prosthodontic residency program while serving in the United States Army as a field grade officer in the rank
of Major. In addition to achieving board certification and diplomate status within his specialty, Dr. Cone has also successfully challenged all the requirements necessary to earn his designation as a Certified Dental Technician. Currently, Dr. Cone’s career in civilian life revolves around his dual role as the owner of Nuance Dental Specialists, a private practice dental clinic limited to prosthetic dentistry in the heart of Portland, ME, and his role as a Key Opinion Leader.
When Dr. Cone is not at the chair, in the classroom teaching, or at the lab bench, he can be found lecturing on the international circuit, contributing to peer-review, and relaxing at home with his wife, four children, and English Bulldog in Maine.
The mandate on today’s dental clinician to deliver predictable high-strength and highly aesthetic restorations is continually increasing, however, many of the steps necessary in the treatment planning and execution of these restorations remains nebulous. This presentation will illustrate straightforward preparation design, material selection, and cementation protocols for achieving uncommon results for successful patient outcomes.