OneReci Reciprocating file System: Shaping simplified with safety in mind
On Demand Webinar
Cost: FREE
Dr. Bobby Patel

Presenters Bio:
After more than 20 years in the field, Bobby is a leader in endodontics. After graduating from Bart’s and the London Medical and Dental School in 1999, he gained experience as a general dentist in practice and the community dental services. He gained further experience in hospital settings, working as a restorative senior house officer at Bart’s and the London Medical and Dental School.
In 2003, Bobby was awarded his fellowship in dental surgery. He completed a 12-month surgical posting at Basildon hospital working as a clinical fellow in Oral maxillofacial surgery. In 2004 Bobby was accepted onto the UK mono-specialty endodontic training pathway at the Eastman Dental Institute where he completed his three-year full time MClinDent program. At the end of the program, he was awarded a distinction for his overall academic achievement during this time. In 2006, the British Endodontic Society awarded him a poster prize for his innovative research entitled “Development of an in vitro model for the study of microbial infection in human teeth”. In 2007 he was awarded membership in restorative dentistry, the highest formal qualification in the UK and was registered on the specialist list for endodontics thereafter. He then moved to Australia to work in a specialist referral practice in Canberra from 2007 to present.
In 2012, Bobby was awarded membership of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (Endodontics). In 2015/16 he authored two well received endodontic textbooks with Springer Publishing Company. He is currently authoring a third instalment related to CBCT and endodontics. He is very active in continuing education programs, with a particular interest in hands-on courses dealing with diagnosis, rotary instrumentation techniques and surgical endodontics. Bobby is a Coltene and Dentsply Maillefer key opinion leader and certified trainer, regularly giving lectures to general dentists both locally and nationally.
Session Overview:
This program offers current, practical and clinically relevant information for all dentists on how to manage day to day endodontic cases incorporating the latest trends.
The speaker displayed microscopic video and clinical photographs highlighting the concepts and application of CBCT, microscope, ultrasonic and rotary instrumentation. There was an extensive discussion throughout with clinical tips highlighted to ensure best success.
The program also included a hands on demonstration of the One Reci file sequence to enable simplified shaping with safety in mind.
Key learning objectives:
Learn clinically relevant strategies to help manage your endodontic case load in general practice
Understand the importance of diagnosis, access preparation, ultrasonic disinfection, medication and repeatable three dimensional filling of the root canal system
Review the OneReci reciprocation rotary file system